Assisting Extra Care facilities with specialist support
The benefits of living in an extra care setting include the freedom of living in the community as well as the security and support of a care facility. Extra Care can cater for people who have ongoing care needs, including age related infirmity, physical and/or sensory disabilities and cognitive impairments such as Dementia, Learning Disability and Mental Ill-Health. However many extra care residents have no care needs at all, but have the peace of mind of knowing that care is available should they become ill or experience a fall.
Our staff is recruited based on their commitment to caring for and supporting the residents. In addition, we ensure that our valued employees are trained in all aspects of Extra Care. Our Blackburn Dementia Extra care scheme, for example, provides enhanced dementia care training to all staff.
ICare is proud to have an extensive track record supporting extra care schemes with high quality and success. Currently, we provide services to over 320 people at 17 schemes across the Northwest and Midlands.